Microgrid / off-grid energy storage

Microgrid/lone-grid energy storage is used in 2MWh-200+MWh scenarios to improve the reliability of power supply in powerless, remote or island areas, in addition,

Grid-side energy storage

Grid-side energy storage is applied in 2MWh-200+MWh scenarios, delaying distribution grid upgrading, responding to transmission line failures, participating in frequency

Generation-side energy storage

Energy storage on the power generation side is used in 2MWh-200+MWh scenarios to mitigate wind and light abandonment, smooth power fluctuations, track scheduling

Commercial and industrial energy storage

Industrial and commercial energy storage used in 100KWh-50+MWh scenarios, time-sharing tariffs to cut peaks and fill in the valleys, dynamic capacity expansion and demand-

Portable energy storage

Home-based energy storage is applied in 5KWh-30KWh scenarios, helping users to increase the proportion of PV self-generation and self-consumption, peak/valley arbitrage, power saving, emergency power, etc.

Portable energy storage

Portable energy storage 500Wh-5KWh scenarios, lightweight and convenient, powerful, plug and play. Whether you go traveling and camping, hiking and exploring, or medical emergency and other emergency power situations, it can provide stable and reliable off-grid power support.

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